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Boarding Out Attic Space

Attic Boarding Mistakes: What To Be Aware Of

Boarding out attic space is a fun and exciting project; but there are many things to be aware of before going ahead with the process. It’s easy to make common attic boarding mistakes, so it’s essential that you follow proper guidelines and do your research. 

Failing to read up on boarding out your attic can lead to dampness, the floor collapsing, ruined belongings, and a bigger bill than you might have expected. 

Not Taking the Right Safety Precautions 

Boarding out attic space can become a huge safety hazard if not done correctly. The safety precautions that need to be taken should be one of the first things to think about. For example, it’s best to watch where your feet are being placed when you are in the process of boarding your attic. You could make the mistake of falling through the attic floor! 

You should wear as much protective gear and clothing as possible, here are a few notable examples:

  • Long-sleeved tops or jumpers. Keep them tucked in so that your skin is protected and covered.
  • Trousers or coveralls which protect your legs from any wooden splints or particles.
  • A face mask to prevent inhaling any insulation fibres or dust particles. Its recommended to choose one with valves makes it easier to breathe.
  • Protective gloves to prevent any splinters or cutting yourself on any mineral wool insulation material.
  • Safety goggles will protect your eyes from any sore dust and insulation fibres which is vital if you are being exposed to insulation before laying the attic boards down.
  • Knee pads are ideal if you are putting down attic boards as you will be working on lower levels; this will protect your knees from grazing.

Moving Electrical Cables And Pipes

Your attic may be full of wires, cables, and pipes – especially in older homes. So, when boarding out attic space, there is no doubt that people in this situation want to simply cut a hole in the joists or move them around to place the boards on top of them to hide their appearance. 

By cutting directly into the floorboards or moving the joists around, it will affect the durability of your attic. You will be putting strenuous weight on top of them and the attic floor. The most ideal and alternate solution is to raise the floor level above the joists so any cables or piping isn’t affected.

Compressing Insulation With Unraised Attic Boards

Attic insulation plays a huge role in the comfort and temperature of your home. Did you know that 25% of your home’s heat is lost through the roof without sufficient insulation? 

Insulating your attic improves your homes energy efficiency, this will keep your house warm all year round, but compressing your insulation can reduce the thermal performance of your home. This can make your property feel colder in the winter and see your energy bills skyrocket. 

Many DIYers and homeowners are happy to install quality insulation and ensure their home’s temperature is properly regulated. However, the benefits (and thus the money spent) can be completely undercut by not using raised attic boards. 

The boards need to be supported so that they can be secure, so installing a raised attic boarding system above the trusses will allow the insulation to work correctly with no added pressure. By raising and boarding out attic space above the joists can ensure that the insulation can breathe and has enough airflow to avoid any damp or condensation. 

Make No Mistakes With AtticZone

It’s your responsibility, especially when boarding out attic space, to not overload the joists too much in case they snap. 

Whether you fancy installing your own DIY Attic Boarding Kit or would prefer a professional attic boarding installer, our team of attic experts are always happy to answer any questions or help you to make the most out of your attic space. 

If you have any questions or are unsure where your property falls under our standards, contact us anytime! We are always happy to advise you. Give us a call on 617-765-7444, or drop us a message at sales@attic-zone.com.

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