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damp attic: fix with loftzone storefloor

Why Is My Attic Damp?

Do you have a damp attic? How do you find out if you do?

Condensation and excess moisture can build up quickly at any time of the year. If the right actions are taken, then it can be reversed, and the issues can be prevented from happening again. Damp and mould can bring significant risks to your health and when left without treating it, it can rot away at the timber battens in the roof! So, it’s important to prepare for prevention, causes and treatment in case this happens to you.

The Signs To Look Out For

Even though condensation and dampness are most common in autumn and winter, there is a chance that throughout the year your attic could be exposed to moisture which will create a damp attic.

The first signs to be aware of are:

–     Damp

–     Moisture inside windows

–     Black spots on your walls

–     Mould spores on linens or other items in the attic

–     Broken roof tiles

–     Cracked leadwork

–     Leaking pipes and guttering

Once you have identified these signs, it’s important to find the cause of the problem – therefore you can begin to tackle the main issue.

Attic Insulation Condensation

Installing modern attic insulation is one of the most common ways of getting condensation. Although, attic insulation has so many benefits from reducing your utility bills, more energy efficiency, and a more comfortable home environment – adding more value to your home.

Even with attic insulation, it can limit the ventilation flowing through it. Your home will be nice and warm, but the attic will become colder which then attracts the warmer air from the house. As the warm air meets with the cold, this forms into condensation.

Squashing any ventilation will affect the performance of the insulation as there will be no airflow for it to breathe. So, it’s important to not place floorboards on top of it. In one of our recent blogs: ‘The Dos and Don’ts Of Boarding Over Attic Insulation’, we explain more.

Installing a natural substance like sheep’s wool will keep your attic eco-friendlier. Then, it will able to absorb any moisture, avoiding the risk of condensation.

Over Filling Your Attic

Another common cause of condensation can be overfilling your attic with storage.

If your attic is overcrowded, this can cause the air to be trapped. This can lead to poor ventilation. The attic constantly needs breathing space so the air can flow. Allowing your home to be warm in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Attic Hatches and Their Risks

If installed incorrectly, the warm air from the house will be able to get into the attic, which can cause condensation. Having a poorly ventilated attic with the warm air from below mixing with one another can cause dampness, mould, and rot to form.

It’s important that when you have any attic work and you are not confident enough to do it yourself, to get a professional; contact us to see who your local installers are.

How To Treat Condensation

If you are suffering from a damp attic, it’s vital to tackle this issue quickly.

To make sure that your attic becomes efficient and properly ventilated, there needs to be a place for the damp air to disperse outside. There are a couple of ways to achieve this:

–     Make sure that the ventilation spaces are clear

–     Remove any storage to improve the overall airflow

From here, consider looking at your insulation and consider sheep’s wool and use our AtticZone StoreFloor for an award-winning, fully patented, attic boarding system that is specifically designed for installing flooring over the full depth of your insulation.

It’s the strongest raised attic boarding system available with the flexibility to hold up to 500kg per square metre due to its supports of recycled plastic! You will never have to worry about condensation in your attic again, knowing that your insulation is always protected and cared for.

Keep Your Attic Dry with AtticZone

Our team of attic experts are always happy to answer any questions or help you to make the most out of your attic space. Give us a call on 617-765-7444 (7 am to midday, EST). Or drop us a message at sales@attic-zone.com.

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