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How Much Value Does Attic Boarding Add to A Home?

Let’s face it, when it comes to altering and developing our homes, we want to make sure that what we’re doing is adding value. Whether that be building a conservatory, retiling the garden, or even installing attic boarding. We want to know that the money we invest today, will add value either instantly or somewhere down the line.

Well, installing attic boarding can help to improve the value of your home. Whether it’s protecting your insulation, providing more storage space or saving you money on your energy costs. There are a wide range of ways that boarding your attic can benefit your home. That’s why we’ve put together a list of ways that opening up your attic as a storage space can benefit your home and wallet:

4 ways in which attic boarding can add value to your home:

Add more space in your home

Boarding your attic can create a wealth of storage space, allowing you to remove clutter and create space in the main rooms of your home. Move unused things into the attic and create more space in your home for the things you love.

What about dampness?

This is a genuine concern of many and is a legitimate issue when attic boarding is installed in the incorrect way. Our StoreFloor Attic Boarding specifically allows for an air gap above the insulation, which lets moist air be taken away before it causes damp, in order to protect the items you store in your attic.

Safer & easier to access areas of your attic

If your attic hasn’t been boarded, it can be quite a dangerous place for you and your family. You may need to access the inside of your roof, if there’s a leak, or for some other reason, and without proper attic boarding this area can be extremely hard to navigate. By boarding your attic, you instantly make this area safe for anyone who needs to access this space.

Aside from keeping yourself safe, correctly installed attic boarding can also protect belongings that you wish to store there. Attic Boards can safely store and support large and heavy items in your attic that may be taking up valuable space in your home.

AtticZone StoreFloor can hold up to an impressive 100 Pounds per square foot due to its Tri- and Uni-Supports being made from an extremely strong engineering grade recycled plastic. The frame creates a very strong and safe platform that is strong enough to walk upon and is often even stronger than attic joists!

Lower energy bills

Twenty five percent of heat loss occurs through an uninsulated roof. Installing attic boarding, which won’t damage or squash your insulation, can decrease the heat loss in your home. By reducing heat loss, you can save money on energy bills as a result of improved insulation.

Our StoreFloor is an award-winning, fully patented, attic boarding system designed especially for installing flooring over the full depth of insulation in an attic. This allows the insulation to work to its best ability, without the boards squashing and reducing the impact of the insulation.

Increase the sale value of your home

Make your house more attractive to potential buyers by creating more storage areas. The more storage space on offer, the more attractive selling points you have for your house.

Attic boarding is affordable and does not require planning permission. So, your investment now could benefit you greatly down the line!

Contact the AtticZone Team today!

Whether you fancy installing your own DIY kit or would prefer an installer, our team of attic experts are always happy to answer any questions or help you to make the most out of your attic space. Give us a call on 617-765-7444 (7am to midday, EST) or drop us a message to sales@attic-zone.com

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